In this work, I explore my relationship with the male entre-soi, and my inner turmoil in the face of the hatred I feel towards the trace of masculinity that inhabits me. It touches me somewhere where hate and tenderness are strangely mixed. How do I feel when I’m surrounded only by men? When I was a teenager, I had a very strong group of friends, most of whom were boys. Violent towards each other, sometimes loving, entangled in the myth of virility. Continual confrontation and collective synchronisation between our male bodies, as a group we were all one. What is this feeling that I hate? This feeling of collective power that arises inside me. Is there a link between boys club, masculinity, and the tendency towards fascist behavior? In this video, I set the scene of seventeen white male friends of mine playing a game in a neutral environment. After establishing the rules of a game, which consists of various acts, I don’t intervene in the action. The non-professional performers are left free to stage themselves. No direction is given during the performance ; it becomes an act of self-direction. Without talking or looking at each other, it’s up to them to sense when the group has completed one action, and when it should move on to the next. Their bodies have to think as one, interpreting a kind of choreography that is at once planned and improvised, violent and calm, collective and individual.